Solving Urban Challenges Together: best practices for liveable cities

The Hague , Netherlands

On 14 February 2022 at 14:30-16:00 CET, the Netherlands will organize an interactive online event together with Closer Cities. How can urban actors and innovators take action and share best practices to keep cities liveable and create urban impact? Through sharing knowledge and experiences, we can work together to contribute to solving these urban challenges. 


The Netherlands

Register for the online event | As cities worldwide attract more and more people, public space is coming increasingly under pressure. To create liveable cities now and in the future, we need to find ways to address the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change and other urban challenges. There are many ideas already out there, we want cities to share these ideas. In recent months, the Netherlands has called on its embassies, NBSOs and other representatives to use their networks to collect these ideas on the Closer Cities platform. We have invited urban experts to an interactive online event to discuss:

Solving Urban Challenges Together: Best practices for liveable cities

Date: 14 February 2022

Time: 14.30-16.00 CET

Location: Online - Please register below

Language: English

For practical reasons, the programme is prerecorded. During the webcast on 14 February, we have an interactive chat open so speakers can answer your questions.




Who can attend?

This interactive online event is highly interesting for policymakers of governments, employees of companies, representatives of civil society, and intergovernmental organizations active in the field of city development and urban resilience.


What to expect?

At the online event, we hear from urban experts on vital cities, citizens' initiatives, inclusive innovation, and the importance of sharing. We share with you the lessons learned by the Closer City platform. We give the floor to project initiators who tell about their experiences with setting up projects and sharing information with others. We also dive into how projects can be shared and adapted to be implemented elsewhere in the world. During the event, prizes will be awarded to the best urban solutions.

We look forward to seeing you at the  Solving Urban Challenges Together online event!

On behalf of Closer Cities,

Netherlands Enterprise Agency

The Netherlands




  • Robbert Nesselaar: Co-founder of Closer Cities, Urban Nesselaar Consultancy 
  • Professor Jurian Edelenbos: Full professor, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Vital Cities and Citizens
  • Thomas van Luijtelaar: Team Manager International Enterprise, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, NL Branding
  • Maurice Prijs: Municipality Utrecht, Initiator green-roofed bus shelter
  • Adam Clarke: Deputy City Mayor - Environment and Transportation, Leicester City Council
  • Lindsey Schwidder: Project Manager Water, Innovation & Impact Centre, TU Delft
  • Dr. Ellen Minkman: Researcher & Lecturer TU Delft
  • Dr. Katrine Soma: Senior Scientist, Wageningen University & Research
  • Irene Oostveen: Senior Project Manager, VNG International
  • Fiona Yauw: Host


Program Monday 14 February

2:30-4:00 PM

Solving Urban Challenges Together: Best practices for liveable cities

During the programme Solving Urban Challenges Together, Best practices for liveable cities a number of experts in urban development give their views.

Block 1: Robbert Nesselaar co-founder of Closer Cities and Ellen Minkman researcher and lecturer at Delft University of Technology explain how we can improve knowledge sharing and the role of collaboration, community and trust.

Block 2: Jurian Edelenbos, professor at Erasmus University talks about how community building contributes to public services and how community-based initiatives show the vitality of a city.

Thomas van Luijtelaar of the Netherlands Enterprise Agency tells us more about the motivation behind the Netherlands’ support bottom up initiatives like the ones found on the Closer Cities website.

Block 3: In the studio, Maurice Prijs head of public space and permits for the City of Utrecht and Adam Clarke, Deputy Mayor of Leicester, United Kingdom, discuss how the idea to create green-roofed bus shelters has taken off and spread to cities across the world.

Block 4: Lindsey Schwidder of the Innovation and Impact Centre at Delft University of Technology describes the sharing of practical knowledge with Kwadaso Agricultural College in Ghana, so that young urban farmers can earn a living locally.

Block 5: Katrine Soma of Wageningen University and Research calls in from Norway and informs us how a project building a network for fish systems in the slums of Kibera in Kenya has improved local food security.

Block 6: Irene Oostveen of VNG International’s Governance of Inclusive Green Growth in Cities (Deals) programme talks about what her organisation is doing to promote knowledge-sharing between cities worldwide. VNG International is the international branch of the Netherlands’ municipality umbrella organisation.

Block 7: Presenter Fiona Yauw awards prizes to 5 of the projects on the Closer Cities platform that have had real impact. With a Dutch embassy calling in to congratulate the winners. Finally Fiona concludes this event.

Interactive online event

In the interactive online event on 14 February, viewers can join the conversation via an online chat. All questions will be answered via the chat or passed on to the experts for a more in-depth analysis.



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